The Apple Developer Academy is now welcoming applications for the a.y. 2023-2024
Applications are now open for the Apple Developer Academy in Naples with over 220 places available for a new generation of app developers and entrepreneurs.
The unique program, conceived by Apple and the Federico II University of Naples, offers an incredible opportunity to aspiring app developers. Selected students undertake a nine-month study program, entirely in English, on topics such as software development, app design, startup creation and digital economy.
Students will have the opportunity to develop their skills and create their own app using the most advanced and creative tech ecosystem in the world.
The Academy is based at the new campus in San Giovanni a Teduccio.
The Academy allows each student to personalise their learning path through joint efforts with tech partners, and with the other companies located in the Campus.
At the end of the year, the students’ apps are showcased in front of hundreds of companies and investors from Italy and around the world. This connects the graduates to opportunities within the tech industry and provides them with an innovative placement platform.
The call for students will be open until May 29th, 2023.

Il progetto DEFER – Developers For Ever – CUP E64C22001210006 – finanziato a valere sul PR Campania FSE+ 2021-2027 Priorità 2 Istruzione e Formazione Obiettivo Specifico ESO 4.7, LINEA DI AZIONE 2.g.5, per un importo totale pari ad € 8.400.000,00 prevede l'elargizione di borse di studio per la frequenza della Apple Developer Academy per gli anni accademici 2022-2023 e 2023-2024.
Please read carefully the following official call for students and the annex:
- Call for students (Annex A)
- Call for students – italian version (Annex A)
- Call for Apple Programs Participants (Annex A)
- Call for Apple Programs Participants – italian version (Annex A)
- Call for students
- Deadline: 29/5/2023, 14:00 GMT+2
- Rectification notice
- Assessment Test – Admitted students and Calendar (Please consider attached dates as GMT+2 timetables)
- Commission Decree 1
- Commission Decree 2
- Motivational Interview – Admitted students and Calendar (Please consider attached dates as GMT+2 timetables)
- Admission decree with final ranking
- Errata Corrige: Final Ranking List
- Ranking update 1
- Ranking update 2
- Ranking update 3
- Ranking update 4
- Ranking update 5
- Ranking update 6
- Call for Apple Programs Participants
- Deadline: 2/5/2023, 14:00 GMT+2
- Rectification notice
- Motivational Interview – Admitted students and Calendar (Please consider attached dates as GMT+2 timetables)
- Commission Decree
- Admission decree with final ranking
- Ranking update 1
- Ranking update 2
- Ranking update 3
- Ranking update 4
- Ranking update 5
- Ranking update 6
- Ranking update 7
- Ranking update 8