Federico II Apple Foundation Program 2022/2023
This University announces a selection of up to 180 students to be admitted to the Federico II Apple Foundation Program, 2022/2023 academic year, 2023 cycles (third, fourth and fifth). The seats will be divided into three cohorts. Each cohort is composed of 60 students. The Foundation Program is a short term, challenge-based class designed to provide the opportunity to aspiring world-class developers to experience Apple’s learning framework in order to design iOS app prototypes. The Foundation Program will be carried out in several batches over the year, and each batch will consist of at least 60 participants. The Foundation Program can be followed by Federico II University active students from various backgrounds. Coding skills are not required. Candidates from tech, design or other fields of expertise are welcome to apply. The present selection refers to the academic year 2022/2023.
Published: 14/12/2022. Deadline: 27/01/2023.